
i've got a page (asp.net) where I trap the click event of a link.
i then do some dirty checking and present a dialog to the user,

var clickedLink;

$('.checkdirty').click(function(event) {
     if(isDirty == false){
          return true;
      clickedLink = $(this);
      return false;

do you want to loose your changes Yes/No etc.

 $('#dirtysave-dialog').dialog({ bgiframe: true, autoOpen: false,
height: 125, width: 425, modal: true,
             title: "You have unsaved changes, do you want to continue
and loose changes?!!",
             buttons: {
             "Yes": function() {
                 isDirty = false;
             "No": function() {
        open: function(type, data) {

if they click yes i then clear the isDirty flag and call click on the
link. this goes back in to the click event handler, does the check

if(isDirty == false){
     return true;

returns true but the event never happens....

i need to click the link again manually for it to fire.

any ideas??

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