Hey all,

I was faced with a challenge of displaying, within a main container,
10 panels 147px sq that have background images positioned the opposite
of the panel position within the container. When a user was to click
one of these it grows over time so each edge of the panel reaches the
relative edge of the container at the same time. Not difficult I
thought, bit of jQuery animation - easy :) But unfortunately the
animation function doesn't support the repositioning of background
images because it has 2 values to deal with so I then stumbled accross
the backgroundPosition plugin - fantastic! However this didn't work
either as the background image 'shook' as the div grew and
repositioned itself so I tackled the problem head on and wrote my own
functions called at a certain interval based on the time/iteration
variables and this is what I came up with: http://uts1.core.je/default.html.
Exactly what I was after and I thought I'd share the wealth for you
all as jQuery is an outstanding framework!! Feel free to use it should
you find a use and if you have any time to dissect my code you'll see
a lot of the calculations are using ternary operators to get the right
value - there may be a easier/better mathematical solution and I'd
love to see any ideas/solutions to this problem. Hope you like it!


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