I have the exact same code on every page where a form gets submitted. How
can i turn that into a simple function?
The only thing that changes is the $(this).validate(validate_awards) and the
form ID;

It would be so much easier if the function was in one place and called where
needed but I cant figure this out.

Something like:

        myFormFunction(validate_awards, '#newAward');

where I could put in the formID and the validation rules to use

CURRENTLY HAVE THIS ON EVERY PAGE: Only the "validate_awards" and
"#newAward" changes

$('#newAward').submit(function() {
   var valid = $(this).valid();
   if (valid) {
   var form_url =  $(this).attr('action');
   var page_target = form_url.substr(1).replace( new RegExp( "/" ,"g"), "_"
   var queryString = $('#newAward').formSerialize();
     type:    'post',
     url:      form_url+'/',
     data:      queryString,
     resetForm:   true,
     success:    function(response){
             $('#'+page_target).slideToggle('slow', function (){

   return false;

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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