Hello everyone,
Sorry, not sure if the message passed through the first time, so
repeating it.

I'm new to JQuery, so please don't be too strict).
I'm checking user input in the form. The form is usual but there's
rather many check-outs. I preferred to display them Div's if the
fields are not completed or are completet incorrectly.
What I'm trying to do is to keep the Submit button disabled in case of
exceptions and re-enable it when everything is OK.
Here's a part of the code:
$(function () {
// disabling the button by default
$("#go").attr("disabled", "disabled");
                                  try {
// We begin processing the fields
$("#ulogin").blur (function (event) {
var ulogin=$(this).val();
// There's a function isValidLogin checking the login by regExp
if ((ulogin=="") || (!isValidLogin (ulogin))) {
// Showing them a <div>
//Throwing "Incorrect login" message
throw new Error("<?=MSG37?>");
} else {
// Enabling the button, everything goes OK
$("#go").attr("disabled", "");
} );

// ... All the fields in the same manner
} catch(e) {
$("#go").attr("disabled", "disabled");
} );

What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way?
Thanks in advance!

With best regards from Ukraine,
Skype: Francophile; Wlm&MSN: arthaelon @ yandex.ru; Jabber: arthaelon @ 
Yahoo! messenger: andre.polykanine; ICQ: 191749952
Twitter: m_elensule

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