
Best way to make sure that the form has been loaded is to use the load
callback function:

$('#formGen1').load('formGen1.jsp', function(){
   //Callback function: Form has been loaded
   //Code implementation

I usualy hide the form that I'm editing until it is ready to be shown.
Simple hide() and show().
Hope this helps.



On 26 nov, 01:25, edencane <edenc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi.
> I have the following document.ready:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>         $('#formGen1').load('formGen1.jsp');
>         if(${membership eq 'propertyContractor'}) {
>                 $('#formGen2').load('formGen2.jsp');
>                 $('#formGen3a').load('formGen3a.jsp');
>         } else if (${membership eq 'cleaningContractor'}) {
>                 $('#formGen2').load('formGen2.jsp');
>                 $('#formGen3a').load('formGen3b.jsp');
>                 $('#formGen3b').load('formGen4.jsp');
>                 $('#formGen4').load('formGen3a.jsp');
>         } else if (${membership eq 'staff'}) {
>                 $('#formGen2').load('formGen3a.jsp');
>         }
>         $(window).load(function () {
>                 alert($('#dob').prev().html());
>                 //run code
>         });
> });
> the html loaded in 'formGen1' is:
> <fieldset>
> <legend>Personal details</legend>
> <p><label for="name">Name</label>
> <input class="required" type="text" id="name" name="name"/>
> <span></span></p>
> <p><label for="dob">Date of birth</label>
> <input type="text" class="expanddate" id="dob" name="dob" value=""
> format="date">
> <span></span></p>
> </fieldset>
> What I want to do is add an element after the #dob element.
> In the 's$(window).load' statement I am showing the html of the
> previous element as some feedback...
> As I understand it, $(window).load should kick in after all the pages
> have loaded, but clearly in my case something else is going on... i.e.
> the pages havent loaded yet...
> How can I do this?
> Thanks.
> Kind regards.
> Luke.

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