The plugin handles that case, though only for type="submit". You could try
using a button instead:

<button type="submit"><img ... /></button>


On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Rich <> wrote:

> I am validating a form that is submitted by an image input (input
> type=image), there are 3 of these inputs which either publish, save or
> delete the form details. If I turn javascript off and submit the form
> I can pick up the value of the input button used. i.e. request.form
> ("publish.x") = ?, if I turn javascript on and use the jQuery validate
> plugin it does everything excpet pass the value of the button pressed
> so I can't detect which button has been pressed. Any help appreciated.
> [code]
> $(function() {
>        $("#vml_library").validate({
>                ignore: "input[type=hidden]",
>                rules: {
>                        mName: {
>                                required: true
>                        },
>                        mSummary: {
>                                maxlength: 200
>                        },
>                        mDescription: {
>                                required: true
>                        },
>                        mFile: {
>                                required: true,
>                                accept:
> ""+$("input[name=typeList]").val().replace(/\'/g,
> '').replace(/\./g, '').replace(/,/g, '|') +""
>                        },
>                        tFile: {
>                                required: function(element) {
>                                        return $("input[name=vType]").val()
> > 1;
>                                },
>                                accept: true
>                        }
>                },
>                messages: {
>                        mName: {
>                                required: "Required"
>                        },
>                        mFile: {
>                                required: "Required",
>                                accept: "Invalid File, must be " +
> $("input[name=typeList]").val()
>                        },
>                        mSummary: {
>                                maxlength: "You may not use anymore than 200
> characters"
>                        },
>                        mDescription: {
>                                required: "Required"
>                        },
>                        tFile: {
>                                required: "Required",
>                                accept: "Invalid File, must be '.jpg',
> '.jpeg', '.gif' or '.png'"
>                        }
>                },
>                success: function(label) {
>                        label.addClass("valid").text("OK!");
>                },
>                highlight: function(element, errorClass) {
>                        $(element).addClass("errorInput");
>                },
>                unhighlight: function(element, errorClass) {
>                        $(element).removeClass("errorInput");
>                },
>                submitHandler: function(form) {
>                        ShowProgress();
>                        form.submit();
>                }
>        });
> });
> [/code]

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