I am trying to use the jquery datepicker. I can't figure out how to make an image appear next to my textbox that will launch the popup. Currently I have a .NET textbox which you user can click on that launches the calendar. So that part seems to be fine. However no image which would be more intuitive!
I have this: $(document).ready(function(){$ ('#MembershipWizard1_Wizard1_ctl05_ClubConfirmation1_txtStartDate').datepicker ({ dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',gotoCurrent: true,minDate: 0, buttonImage: 'App_Themes/Images/Ecommerce/datepicker.gif', buttonImageOnly: true });}); I've tried a few variations of the buttomImage url in case I was referencing it wrong - but nothing is working. I've also tried not having the buttomImageOnly property - but no difference. Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks, Jen