Does this work?

        ready: function() {
                var cookie = $.cookies.get("AlliedSkills.Player");
                if (cookie == "Play")
        swfPath: $('#JPlayerPath').attr("value")

Note the '==' (not '=').

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 7:20 PM, shapper <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have the following:
>  $("#JPlayer").jPlayer({
>    ready: function() {
>      $(this).setFile($('#MusicPath').attr("value")).play();
>    },
>    swfPath: $('#JPlayerPath').attr("value")
>  });
> I would like the play the file:
> $(this).setFile($('#MusicPath').attr("value")).play();
> Only if ( $.cookies.get("AlliedSkills.Player") = "Play )
> If ($.cookies.get("AlliedSkills.Player") is null then do not play and
> set only the file:
> $(this).setFile($('#MusicPath').attr("value"));
> Could someone please help me in doing this?
> Thanks,
> Miguel

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