
I'm having a problem on how to properly position child elements of a
particular sliding element when using a slider or carousel.

Common practice with these sliders and carousels is that they enclose
the target container (commonly a <ul>) with another masking container,
to effectively clip and scroll the contents of the target. This effect
is achieved by using a combination of widths and heights, plus an
overflow: hidden on the masking container.

But say I want to display the child of one of the <li>'s inside the
slider/carousel? A sub-list to be styles like a dropdown a-la
"suckerfish"? I want the child elements will be displayed directly
below the <li>, only this time even the nested list is clipped by the
masking element created by the slider/carousel.

Is there a way using jQuery, or CSS to disable no-overflow/clipping
for the child lists within the parent carousel items, or a good
workaround? I've tried using z-index on the nested <dd> inside the
<li> to no avail.

Thanks in advance,
OJ Tibi

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