I haven't used ajaxform, but I  think this means that you can do
something like this:

    $("#myForm").bind("form-pre-serialize", function() {
        // put the data from the editor back into the form.

How to actually get the necessary data from CK you'll have to look at
the CK editor's documentation.  There should be a simple function to
synchronize back with your textarea, but if not, there should still be
a call to get the rich data as a string which you could then manually
insert into your text area.

Alternately, there are some jQuery wrapper plug-ins for the rich
editors.  I've never used them, but they may be easier to use than
your manual integration:


Good luck,

  -- Scott

P.S.  Unbelieveable!  Google was rejecting my post from it online
interface when I used the name of the editor.  What I'm calling
"CKEditor" here had in the post an initial "F" as well.

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