We need to see something closer to a real-life example. There's a bit too
much missing in the code you posted.

In particular, what does the page look like when it actually has more than
one row from your DB in it? I can't tell which part of your HTML would be
repeated per row. What is the exact HTML structure of a single row in the

I assume you are free to change the generated HTML any you want, is that

Also, I assume the <a> tag that calls click_function is just test code that
won't be in your real page?

About how many rows would typically be listed in a single page?

As it sits, all I can suggest is a few things:

1) You should probably use a jQuery event handler instead of the onclick

2) Instead of hard coded element IDs in your $.post, you'll need to do a bit
of DOM traversing or some such to get to the element values you need.

3) To make that DOM traversing easier, it's a good idea to wrap each row in
its own container element such as a DIV. Or you may want to use a table to
display the row data (it does sound like tabular data after all). In that
case the table's TR elements would serve that purpose.


On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 4:36 AM, factoringcompare.com <
firstfacto...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys’
> I have hit a complete brick wall on this one.
> I have an ASP page that lists out a DB into 3 columns. Each row has a
> unique ID number.  When the user updates a checkbox I would like to
> fire off an AJAX update to my DB.
> I have made the page that’s ready to receive the unique ID Number and
> updated my DB but I can’t get the unique ID number to the update page
> using Jquery.
> I have the following script working to update a specific record. I
> just can take it to the next level so that it will pick up individual
> ID’s and post them across.
> <html>
> <head>
> <title></title>
> <script language="javascript" src="Sitefiles-N/js/
> jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
> <script language="javascript">
> function click_function()
> {
> $.post("Sitefiles-N/jquery.formwizard-0.9.8/QuoteProcessor3.asp",
> {QuoteNo: $("#QuoteNo").val(), accept: $("#accept").val() },
> function(responseText){$("#show_stuff").html(responseText)});
> }
> </script>
> </head>
> <body>
> <label>Enter your name:</label> <input name="QuoteNo" type="text"
> id="QuoteNo" value="83" />
> <br /><br />
> <label>accept:</label> <input name="accept" type="text" id="accept"
> value="-1" />
> <br /><br />
> <p><a href="#" onclick="click_function();">click this</a> </p>
> <input type="button" value="click this to make Ajax call"
> onclick="click_function();">
> <div id="show_stuff"></div>
> </body>
> </html>

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