It's pretty hard to tell what could possibly be wrong from just that code
snippet. If you can post a link to a test page that demonstrates the
problem, it will be much easier for someone to help.


On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 10:17 AM, NovoGeek <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using jQuery validation plugin and everything works fine in
> Firefox. But in IE (7&8), when I try to validate my form, I get the
> error - ['settings' is null or not an object].
> I'm using simple rules like this:
> $("#FormID").validate({
>                rules: {
>                    FirstNameText:"required"
>                },
>                messages:{
>                    FirstNameText: "Please enter first name"
>                }
>            });
> I searched for similar posts and found this:
> . However, a convincing answer is not given.
> Can some one tell me why this error is coming?

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