The plugin in use there is
You already had the link to the plugin's documentation.
The Marketo-Demo is included in the Download, with all CSS and JS files. I
recommend you look at those, and come back here with more specific


On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 3:16 AM, SEMMatt2 <> wrote:

> I saw the Marketo implementation of the Jquery Validation module at
> and I really like
> it;specifically how it highlights the form fields and displays one
> simple message at the top.
> In fact I would like to implement it on a Web To Lead
> form that I am building at my job.
> However I would really appreciate a little help with the code
> structure as there is no documentation with it and I'm not an expert
> yet. However I'm a bit familiar with Jquery having used it a few times
> before. Here are my questions with this:
> What J Query libraries do I have to incorporate on the page and were
> can I
> find them?
> Does this work using regular client side validation because I don't
> see any
> onsubmit functions that are activating the validation?
> The CSS seems to be important..can you tell me where it is so that I
> can
> look at it.
> I would truly appreciate any help that you can offer in helping us
> implement this nice ititeration of Jquery Validation.
> Matt

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