My guess would be to check and make sure the server is configured to send
the appropriate mime-type for the file, based on the extension.

- Richard

On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 2:35 PM, jlee <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm stuck here - I'm trying to load images dynamically on my website,
> but for some reason the method I use works on a server on my local
> computer, but behaves very strangely on a remote server...
> I use this code to load the images:
> function replaceImage(imgName, container) {
> $j(container).hide(); //so it fades out once the image has loaded
> $j(container).image(imgName, function() { //this is a simple plugin,
> i'll paste it's code below
> if(container != "#galImage") { //if it's a thumbnail, i want to be
> able to click on it
> $j(container).empty().append(this).wrap("<a href=\"#\"></a>");
> } else { //it's not a thumbnail, so no "a" wrapper
> $j(container).empty().append(this);
> }
> $j(container).fadeIn(); //finally, show the image
> });
> }
> The simple plugin for loading images into a container:
> $.fn.image = function(src, f){
> return this.each(function(){
> var i = new Image();
> i.src = src;
> i.onload = f;
> this.appendChild(i);
> });
> }
> This code is used like this: replaceImage('images/' + imgName,
> 'imgCont1');
> As I said, everything works just fine on my machine with apache server
> installed. But, when I open the website located on a server, it turns
> out that most images don't appear at all, and the ones that do show up
> are severely distorted... Does anybody know what could cause that?
> Here's an example of such distorted image:
> The non-working site is available here: -
> > when you click on "portfolio", 9 thumbnail images should appear to
> the left, but they don't.

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