You may want to bring this up on the jQuery UI list

A live sample page would help. If you don't have a place to host one, use

- Richard

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Jason Meckley <>wrote:

> Richard, thank you, but that didn't work. for the same reasons as
> before. if I try to reload the tab I am viewing then it doesn't work.
> I dug around some and found 1. why this is happening 2. a hack to make
> it work.
> 1. if I attempt to selected the selected tab and collapsible is false
> the operation is doesn't fire (aborted?).
> 2. if I select the selected tab and collapsible is true the tab is
> minimized.
> 3. the spinner is calculating hieght/width/margin when spinner() is
> called to aline the icons to the textbox. it's using
> element.outerHeight() and element.outerWidth() as part of the
> calculation.
> 4. it seems that the panel's content is appended to the browser DOM
> after load but before show. this is why the spinner formats work in
> the call to show, not load.
> does that make sense?
> hacks:
> 1. Hidden hack tab
> <div class="tabs">
>      <ul>
>           <li><a href="page1.htm">tab 1</a></li>
>           <li><a href="page2.htm">tab 1</a></li>
>           <li style="display:none;"><a href="#HACK">&nbps;</a></li>
>      </ul>
>      <div id="HACK" style="display:none;"></div>
> </div>
> var HIDDEN_TAB_INDEX = $(".tabs").("option", "length")-1;
> var tabs = $(".tabs");
> var index = tabs.tabs("option", "selected");
> tabs
>         .tabs("url", index, url)
>        .tabs("select", HIDDEN_TAB_INDEX)
>        .tabs("select", index);
> this works, but causes a "flash" as you will see the panel shrink and
> expand.
> 2. Collapsible hack
> <div class="tabs">
>      <ul>
>           <li><a href="page1.htm">tab 1</a></li>
>           <li><a href="page2.htm">tab 1</a></li>
>      </ul>
> </div>
> $(".tabs").tabs({collapsible:true});
> var tabs = $(".tabs");
> var index = tabs.tabs("option", "selected");
> tabs
>         .tabs("url", index, url)
>        .tabs("select", index) //collapse
>        .tabs("select", index); //expand
> which again produces a flash with the shrinking/expanding. it also
> means the user can collapse any tab, which I don't want.
> 3. Hard code the style values.
> $(".tabs").tabs({
>        load: function(event, ui){
>              $(".spinner", ui.panel).spinner().find(".ui-spinner-
> buttons").css({hard coded values});
>        }
> });
> I like that I don't get a "flash" but it's also dependent on the
> styling of the input box not changing. if it does then I have to
> change my script.
> right now I'm leaning towards option 3 since it's not used in that
> many places.
> I'm wondering... is there an event I can bind to that say after the
> textbox (or entire ajax content) is attached to the browser DOM (or
> after the content is attached to a parent), process the spinner?
> $(function(){$(".spinner").spinner();}); doesn't work when placed
> within the ajax content itself. it produces the same results as
> calling spinner in the load event. the outerHeight/Width are 0.
> On Dec 10, 6:29 am, "Richard D. Worth" <> wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Jason Meckley <
> >wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > it appears that calling load programatically (rather than clicking on
> > > the tab manually) does not call the show function.
> >
> > In that case, you might try .triggerHandler('click')
> >
> > - Richard

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