On Dec 11, 5:46 am, MorningZ <morni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This isn't working out for me "
> Expecting it to?
> First post you were comparing:  string > string...  which isn't going
> to work

Why not? If the strings are digits that convert to numbers, it will
"work". Granted it isn't particularly robust, but:

  '2' < '4'


  2 < '4'

produce exactly the same result, read ECMA-262, 11.8.5.

> Follow up post after blowing right over Richard's suggestion, you are
> comparing string > number, which *still* isn't going to work...

Provided both convert to expected integers, it will (see above).

> and this line doesn't make any sense
> var td4th = parseInt($('td:nth-child(4)', jQuery
> (this)));
> as you are parseInt-ing a jQuery object....

It will most likely cause the result to be NaN (ECMA-262


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