Hi Scott,

I do not get the syntax completely, but will definitely give it a try.
Thanks for posting back!


On Dec 11, 2:54 pm, Scott Sauyet <scott.sau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 11, 7:14 am, Henjo <henjohoek...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am wondering how to set my jQuery to be in 'noconflict' state.
> > [ ... ]
> >    function questionList(){
> >       ...
> >    }
> I'm wondering if you are using the "$" shortcut to jQuery inside such
> functions.  If you are, then those functions must be inside some scope
> which redefines "$", because in the global scope, "$" is referring to
> Prototype.  You can fix this by using "jQuery" instead of "$" in your
> functions, or by wrapping them in a scope which defines "$"
> temporarily to jQuery.  You can do this by putting them inside your
> document ready block the way you list above, supplying "$" as the
> parameter to your function, or by wrapping them in a scope like this:
>     // in the global scope here, $ refers to Prototype
>     (function($) {
>         // here $ refers to jQuery.
>         function questionList() {
>             // and you can use $ for jQuery inside this function.
>         }
>     })(jQuery);
>     // again here, $ refers to Prototype
> If by some chance you have blocks of script that want to use both
> Prototype and jQuery, you simply have to avoid using "$" for jQuery,
> although you can define your own shortcut like so:
>     var $jq = jQuery.noConflict();
> Cheers,
>   -- Scott

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