problem solved, the issue is with the jquery.event.hover.js... we
solved by eliminating the following lines:

jQuery.event.special.hover.delay = 100;
jQuery.event.special.hover.speed = 100;

we are using a joomla module

On 11 dic, 11:40, killer chicken <> wrote:
> I have this issue in IE only, i've search in the forum but i didn't
> found nothing about that
> on page loading, if the mouse is over the menu IE throws an error
> this is what the debbugger throws in jquery.js
> line 25
> nodeType null or non an object
> if(elem.nodeType==3||elem.nodeType==8
> firefox works well, at least firebug doesn't show anything
> superfish.js and supersubs.js are loading after jquery.js
> any ideas will be welcome

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