I'm calling _doPostBack('UpdatePanel1', ''); in javascript and it
updates my gridview after a record is inserted.  The record is added
from a panel above the gridview.

But when I make the same call after doing an update and delete, I get
the following error: Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object expected
on the line where I'm calling the function.  I was having issues using
JQuery to keep adding records with the insert, but this worked for
me.  But it doesn't work for the update or delete.  I would like the
most simple solution, and still keep it consistent.

Note:  I'm using Jquery and ajax to asynchronously perform the insert,
edit, and deletes.  When a row is clicked in the gridview by clicking
the 'Select' link, I am populating a the fields in a panel above the
gridview.  I'm using JQuery so that I can use the cool dialogs that
come with theme I selected from themerollers.  Note I am doing
event.preventDefault to intercept the event and then calling it's
respective web service.

For example, when I select a row from the gridview by clicking
'Select' link in the gridview, the row is displayed in the panel of
above and allows for an edit.  When the user changes information and
clicks 'Save' - I call the web service to perform the edit (I know it
is an edit by storing the key selected in an hidden field) .  I then
update that record in the grid using JQuery.

When I click 'Delete' link, I again intercept the event and show
JQuery confirmation box.  When the user clicks 'Yes', then I call the
web service to delete the row. I then remove the row using JQuery.

Is this the best way to do this??  And why can't call the doPostBack
passing the UpdatePanel (which contains the gridview) for all 3 -
insert AND the update and delete?  Any help is greatly appreciated!

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