Leonardo, today you're my man!
It finally worked!

THAT was what I was looking for.

I can't tell you how long I've been trying to achieve just that result, so
you can't imagine how much I appreciate your help. Really, thanks!

I actaully had found a workaround to place the error mesage with just CSS,
but this is the solution I was looking for.

Again, thanks man! Cheers to you.

(In caso sei italiano, visto che ti chiami Leonardo, grazie mille!).

Leonardo K wrote:
> Every input element is wrapped in a div with class 'rowElem'?
> So your errorPlacement should be something like this:
> errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
>          $(element).closest('.rowElem').after(error); //the method closest
> get the closest parent with class rowElem
> },
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 20:06, Gian-ava <b...@stylozero.com> wrote:
>> Leonardo,
>> I see. Firebug' error console says:
>> Error: missing ) after argument list
>> Line: 8, Column: 12
>> Source Code:
>>            }
>> Strange, since I don't think this  is correct.
>> Also, it says:
>> Error: syntax error
>> Line: 7, Column: 30
>> Source Code:
>>      errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
>> Again, I don't see any error there.
>> Anyway, if I write this, the error label gets printed after the .roxElem,
>> but for each required field I get as many error labels as I defined (ex:
>> I
>> got 4 required fields, so for rowElem I get the 4 messages):
>> $$(document).ready(function(){
>>        $('#actionform').validate({
>>                errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
>>                        error.insertAfter(".rowElem");
>>                 },
>>                submitHandler: function(form) {
>>                        $(form).ajaxSubmit({
>>                    success: function() {
>>                        $('#actionform').hide();
>>                        $('#content').append("<p class='thanks'>Thanks!
>> Your
>> request has been sent.</p>")
>>                    }
>>               });
>>             }
>>    });
>> });
>> I can't believe it is so difficult to control where to display the error
>> message. The problem is that since I use jqtransform plugin, the latter
>> prints and wraps all fields into a lot of stuff fot styling elements, and
>> when the validation plugin prints the error label after the input field,
>> it
>> actually display IN the field. I want it out of the field, so I need it
>> to
>> be printed after the .rowElem.
>> Where's the plugin author?
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> http://old.nabble.com/Validation-Plugin%3Aneed-help-with-errorPlacement-tp26719238s27240p26780208.html
>> Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at
>> Nabble.com.

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