I have a superfish menu for joomla and now I have a little problem
configuring the colour options in the css for the menu.

The URL for the demo site is here:


What I only want to accomplish is to get the a:hover on the main menu
row to be white #FFF not black #000 as it become now when mouse is

I have the following css statements for this to apply:

#horiz-menu UL LI.active UL LI.active LI.active A, #horiz-menu UL
LI.active.parent UL LI A:hover, #horiz-menu UL LI.active.parent UL
LI .separator:hover, #horiz-menu LI:hover .separator, #horiz-menu
LI:hover LI .separator:hover, #horiz-menu UL LI.active UL
LI.active .separator, #horiz-menu UL LI.active UL LI.active
LI.active .separator, #horiz-menu UL LI.active.parent UL
LI .separator:hover
        color: #FFF;
#horiz-menu LI.sfHover A, #horiz-menu LI.sfHover .separator
        color: #000;

I have been stuck with this problem for quite a while now and would be
more than pleased to get help solving it.

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