Hello there,
i'm trying get a div which is dynamically created resizable. the div
is created in an ajax request.
when i have the div on the page from the start there's no problem, it
works fine. only by putting it after the request in another div's body
it doesn't work. Here's some of my code.

if(isNaN(document.getElementById(frame_id)) == false) {
       var content_frame = "<div id=\"+frame_id+\"></div>...";  //
There's much more ;-)

       var act_content = document.getElementById
       var new_content = act_content+content_frame;
       document.getElementById('body_frame').innerHTML = new_content;

* Some more checks and validations *

$(".action_frame").draggable({ containment: '#body_frame', scroll:
false, handle: '.main_frame_title' });

Now it's created and here's where I want to make that little ... thing
resizable like this.
Weird is the object is draggable and it works great but the resizable
attribute doesn't aplly.

Any suggestions to this? Where's my issue?

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