
I'm making a website for a garage. In the cars section I generate the
cars list thru PHP. In the table there is a link to the details of the
car. There is also a picture which can be clicked to go the details.

So it would look something like this:

<td rowspan="3" width="13\"><a class="info6" href="#"><img src="../
website_patrick/images/6.jpg" width="114" height="77" border="0"
alt="" /></a></td>
<td colspan="4" class="more_info"><a class="info6" href="#">more info</

I've given a class to each of the links. The class name = info +

Then I also have a div which has an id equal to the car_id and which
is hidden. Now when you click either the picture or regular link the
div should be displayed.

How can i achieve this?

Thanks in advance

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