
I´m trying to make a dialog box , where you can press ok or cancel.
How do i set the function so that when a user press ok it returns
true? I'm new to javascript an jQuery so bare with me but this is what
i got so far...

function dialogBox(type,blockUi,heading,message) {
        var result;
        var signImg;
        var buttons;
        var ok = '<div><input type="button" id="okBtn" value="Ok" /></div>';
        var cancel = '<div><input type="button" id="cancelBtn"
value="Cancel" /></div>';

    //warning dialogbox
        if (type == 'warning' || type == '') {
                buttons = ok + cancel;
    //Info dialogbox
        else if (type == 'info') {
                signImg = '_img/signs/info.png';
                buttons = ok;
    //Fatal dialogbox
        else {
                signImg = '_img/signs/error.png';
                buttons = ok;
    //Create dialogbox
        function dialogBoxCreation() {
        $('<div id="dialogBox"><img src="'+signImg+'" alt="sign" /
><h3>' + heading + '</h3><p>'+message+'</p>'+buttons+'</div>')
        if (blockUi=='yes') {
                $('<div id="dialogBg"></div>').height($('body').height()).width
            'position': 'absolute',
            'background': '#000',
            'opacity': '0.6',
            'z-index': '1'
    $('#okBtn').click(function() {
               $('#dialogBox,#dialogBg').fadeOut(function() {
        $('#noBtn').click(function() {
                $('#dialogBox,#dialogBg').fadeOut(function() {

Thanks in advance


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