try a var_dump($_REQUEST) to see what's being submited.

-------- Original Message --------
i am using the following JQuery function to "successfully" POST data
to the user_submit.php file, its just that the php file is unable to
receive the data.

$(function() {
          $("#submit_js").click(function() {
            $.post("user_submit.php", {
              comment: $("#comment").val()

upon finishing the Firebug consoloe shows this:

Your vote was successfully registered!any text but this

i am pasting the user_submit.php here:


$vote = $_REQUEST['vote'];
$aid = $vote;

//$comment = $_REQUEST['#comment'];
//$comment = print_r($_POST);
$comment = htmlspecialchars($_POST["comment"]);
//$comment = $_POST['comment'];
//echo htmlspecialchars($comment);
//$comment = $_POST['comment'];
//echo $comment;

    // include configuration file

    // open database connection
    $connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die('ERROR:
Unable to connect!');

    // select database
    mysql_select_db($db) or die('ERROR: Unable to select database!');

    // update vote counter
    $query = "UPDATE answers SET acount = acount + 1 WHERE aid =
    $result = mysql_query($query);
    $cadd = "INSERT INTO comments (comment,aid) VALUES ('$comment',

    // close connection

    // print success message
    echo 'Your vote was successfully registered!';
    echo $comment;


this is the HTML :
<div id="greetings">
                                You are voting out <b style="color:
#00b0de;" id=roadiename></b>. Care to explain why?<br/><br/>
                                <textarea name="textarea" id="comment"
cols="38" rows="7">textarea</textarea><br>
                                <a href="#" id="submit_js"><img
src="images/submit.gif" style="border: none; float:right; padding-top:
10px;padding-right: 10px;"/></a>

When I click on Submit, I can see in Firebug console that the data is
being POSTed. but i am not receiving that data in the php file. or
else i am not able to use it.

please help.

<<attachment: juanignacioborda.vcf>>

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