Actually, I think this bring much more clarity

// recommended way by documentation since it's easier to read

   // For easier reading, don't mix too much css-expressions. This
will also be much faster to the sizzle-engine to interpretate
   // The css-method is also preferred in this case and can also be
written as .css({color : "red"})
   $("#tb tr").not(":first").css("color", "red");


A more semantic way would also be this
$("#tb tr").not(":first").addClass("hilighted")

and to add the .hilighted class into your css-framework.

/ Johan

On 24 Dec, 04:01, "Rick Faircloth" <> wrote:
> $($trs.get(i)).find("td:eq(1)").attr("style", "color:red");
> However, this is a pretty stupid way to loop through a jQuery
> object... a better way is to use the each() method:
> $trs.each(function() {
>        $(this).find("td:eq(1)").attr("style", "color:blue");
> });

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