it's a long time that I don't write some code with jquery.
Yesterday I wrote some lines for my photo portfolio script.
I use lightbox plugin, but also I wrote few functions to manage the
thumbnails slide show.

I include the lightbox plugin script and into the main html I add my
own functions.

>From the lightbox script, into the _finish function I would like to
call an in-line function placed on main.html page.
The browser (firefox) raise me an error about "myFunction is not
I supposed the different scope. So as settings for lightbox script I
passed also the this reference but it doesn't work :(

$('#image_frame a').lightBox({
                        txtImage: 'Immagine',
                        txtOf: 'di',
                        originalCall: this,

and into the _finish()

but I received the error.

How can I solve?
Have I to create an obj with my function?

Please help me.

Many thanks
Cheers (and merry christmas)

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