I don't do much with flash but this <param> looks strange to me and is what is being written into DOM by your getScript

<param name="flashvars" value="data-file=../graphiques/notes.php&loading=Gamer Certified, chargement des donn?es..."/>

Tristan wrote:
if it can help, here's the link :

1) yeap they are correct
2) i tryed that but it still not works
3) php is doing his part, datas are correctly updated with the help of
the POST value

$("#nomGSP").change(function () {

         //get the username
         var hebergeur1 =  $('#nomGSP').val();
         //use ajax to run the check
         $.post("/graphiques/notes.php", { hebergeur1: hebergeur1 } ,



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