Here is my solution:

The HTML structure of each DIV:

<div class="article">
        Basic content
    <p class="details">
        Additional content

The JS code:

// the clickable "more details" SPAN element (as a string)
var $showMore = " <span class='showMore'>More Details</span>";

// the function that hides the second P, and adds the SPAN to the
first P
function hideDetails(div) {

$(document).ready(function() {

    // do the initialization for every DIV with class ".articles"
    $(".article").each(function() { hideDetails(this); });

    // attach a live click event handler to every "more details" SPAN
    $(".showMore").live("click", function() {
        $(this).text($(this).text() == 'More Details' ? 'Close' :
'More Details');


Because the handler was attached to an live event, you can now
dynamically create DIVs, for example:

$("<div class='article'></div>")
        .append("<p>Another basic content<p>")
        .append("<p class='details'>Another additional content</p>")
        .each(function() { hideDetails(this); });

This solution works in the way that if JS is turned off, the second P
will be visible, and there will be no "More details" SPAN.

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