This can be achieved by using the easing plugin

which is included in the jQuery UI Effects Core. See here for a demo:

I think the one you're looking for is 'easeOutBack'

- Richard

On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 8:37 AM, t1mmie <> wrote:

> Hey all. I'll be quite amazed if anyone can help me with this one. I've
> been
> scouring the internet trying to find a tutorial on this, but no such luck!!
> I'm putting together my own little side navigation and I have an affect in
> my mind that I want to achieve and I'm sort of half-way there.
> I've thrown together [URL=]a demo,
> here[/URL]
> ( ) of what I've made so far.
> I basically want the background to slide up and down depending on what menu
> the mouse hovers on to, with an easing (or bouncing) effect when you move
> over each one. I want the bouncing thing to go both ways, so that if the
> background is at the bottom and you hover over a link above, the background
> moves a little past the final result and then back -- so wherever it moves,
> it bounces or eases a little into place.
> Another thing to consider is that whatever page the user is on, the little
> bar will start off and go back to there - so in the demo we're presuming
> the
> user is on the 'web design' page.
> (You'll need to see the demo by now to see what I mean :P)
> As you can see, I've programmed this to work fine if you're moving your
> mouse top to bottom, but if you go from bottom to top - you'll see in the
> code that I'll need to put some conditional statements around the
> animations
> to test whereabouts the background currently is - and that's what I need
> help with really. Also if anyone has a few tips on how I can shorten down
> my
> javascript code here that would be awesome :)
> Or, if anyone has a better way of achieving what I'm trying to altogether
> then I gratefully welcome anyone's thoughts.
> It'll be easier to view the source but I'll include the html and JS here.
> [code]
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
> "";>
> <html xmlns=""; xml:lang="en" >
> <head>
> <script
> src="";
> type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script src="js.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script src="bg.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> <script src="png.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
> <style>
>        #side {
>                min-height:600px;
>                height:600px;
>                width:243px;
>                float:left;
>                background:url(sidebg.jpg) no-repeat #333333;
>                background-position:71px 9px;
>        }
>                        #side li, #side ul {
>                          list-style:none;
>                          padding:0;
>                          margin:0;
>                          float:left;
>                        }
>                        #side a * {
>                          display: none;
>                        }
>                        #side a, #side a .hover {
>                                height:36px;
>                                width:172px;
>                                position:relative;
>                                display:block;
>                                background:url(side.png);
>                        }
>                #side a.webdesign {
>                        margin:10px 0 7px 71px;
>                        width:172px;
>                        background-position:0 0;
>                }
>                        #side .highlight a.webdesign:hover, #side
> a.webdesign .hover {
>                                background-position:-172px 0;
>                        }
>                #side a.seo {
>                        margin:5px 0 7px 71px;
>                        width:172px;
>                        background-position:0 -40px;
>                }
>                        #side .highlight a.seo:hover, #side a.seo .hover {
>                                background-position:-172px -40px;
>                        }
>                #side {
>                        margin:5px 0 7px 71px;
>                        width:172px;
>                        background-position:0 -80px;
>                }
>                        #side .highlight, #side .hover {
>                                background-position:-172px -80px;
>                        }
>                #side {
>                        margin:5px 0 7px 71px;
>                        width:172px;
>                        background-position:0 -120px;
>                }
>                        #side .highlight, #side
> .hover {
>                                background-position:-172px -120px;
>                        }
> </style>
> </head>
> <body>
>        <div id="side" style="background-position: 71px 9px">
>                <ul>
>                        <li class="highlight"> webdesign news </li>
>                        <li class="highlight"> seo faq </li>
>                        <li class="highlight"> blog contact </li>
>                        <li class="highlight"> contact contact </li>
>                </ul>
>        </div>
> </body>
> [/code]
> and the javascript (jquery)
> [code]
> $(document).ready(function(){
>        // Side //
>        //var currentpos = $('#side').backgroundPosition();
>        $("#side a.webdesign").hover(function () {
>                        $('#side').stop(true, false)
>                        $('#side').animate({backgroundPosition: "71px 4px"},
> 350);
>                        $('#side').animate({backgroundPosition: "71px 9px"},
> 150);
>    },
>                function () {
>                        $('#side').stop().animate({backgroundPosition: "71px
> 9px"}, 400);
>        });
>        $("#side a.seo").hover(function () {
>                        $('#side').stop(true, false)
>                        $('#side').animate({backgroundPosition: "71px
> 63px"}, 350);
>                        $('#side').animate({backgroundPosition: "71px
> 58px"}, 150);
>    },
>                function () {
>                        $('#side').stop().animate({backgroundPosition: "71px
> 9px"}, 400);
>        });
>        $("#side").hover(function () {
>                        $('#side').stop(true, false)
>                        $('#side').animate({backgroundPosition: "71px
> 110px"}, 350);
>                        $('#side').animate({backgroundPosition: "71px
> 105px"}, 150);
>    },
>                function () {
>                        $('#side').stop().animate({backgroundPosition: "71px
> 9px"}, 400);
>        });
>        $("#side").hover(function () {
>                        $('#side').stop(true, false)
>                        $('#side').animate({backgroundPosition: "71px
> 159px"}, 350);
>                        $('#side').animate({backgroundPosition: "71px
> 154px"}, 150);
>    },
>                function () {
>                        $('#side').stop().animate({backgroundPosition: "71px
> 9px"}, 400);
>        });
> });
> [/code]
> Thanks to you all in advance :)
> --
> View this message in context:
> Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at

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