How about seeing if

$("#main-form :input").filter(":visible").serialize()

works across all browsers

On Dec 30, 2:21 pm, phatfish <> wrote:
> On Dec 30, 5:50 pm, MorningZ <> wrote:
> > I'm not so sure the blanket statement ":visible doesn't work in
> > Opera", as Opera 10 runs the jQuery Docs example just fine:
> >
> > Works fine for me anyways....
> > perhaps it's not selecting what you think it should be?   and FF/
> > Chrome/IE compensate for it
> OK i made a test case: file along with 
> jquery min)
> Firefox etc. output:
> /my/url?s=form&o=image&input1=input1&input2=input2
> Opera output:
> /my/url?
> s=form&o=image&input1=input1&input2=input2&hidden1=hidden1&input1=input1&input2=input2
> Now i did notice that if you remove the fieldset tags, it works OK in
> Opera too. That appears to be the source of the problem.
> Any ideas, i rather like using a fieldset...

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