You need to trigger the update event for the table for tablesorter to
rebuild the cache. At the bottom of your .delete_button click function, add
$("#shop_list").update(); and it should fix your problems. For more
information, please see


On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 18:18, Jahvi <> wrote:

> Hi, Im currently using the tablesorter plugin to style a table im
> using, the code is the following:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>       $("#shop_list")
>        .tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra'],
>                headers: {
>                        2: {
>                                sorter: false
>                        },
>                        3: {
>                                sorter: false
>                        }
>                }
>        })
>        .tablesorterPager({container: $("#pager")});
> });
> As you can see it applies the plugin to the table id 'shop_list' and
> works fine on page load, I also have buttons on each record of the
> table that deletes them:
> $('.delete_button').live('click', function() {
>        var id = $(this).attr("id").split("_");
>        var id_store= id[1];
>        jConfirm('Delete store?','Confirm', function(r) {
>                if (r==true){
>                        $('#async_div').load('store.async.php?
> async=4&id_store='+id_store);   //Delete store
>                        $('#table_div').load('store.async.php?
> async=1');                                  //Update Table
>                }
>        });
> });
> store.async.php contains all the php functions for that page and its
> working fine the problem is that when the table updates with the
> deleted record off the tableSorter plugin doesn't reapply. I've tried
> playing with the live function but I havent been able to make it work.
> Is there any way to do it? Or a better way to update the table without
> reloading it?
> Thanks in advance!

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