Hi all, I've noticed an issue with the font rendering on IE7 on Vista
and Win 7 when using the Tooltip plugin from http://bassistance.de

When the page first renders and you a mouse-over tooltip for the first
time, the font renders smoothly and nicely anti-aliased, however when
you mouse-out and then mouse-over the same or a different tooltip, the
font isn't rendered properly and you see jagged edges on the text.

This is visible on the demo page for the tooltip -
http://jquery.bassistance.de/tooltip/demo/ - Look at the second
tooltip demo, specifically the 'footnote' link.  Its hard to see cause
the font is small but when you look at that tooltip the first time
after a page render it is fine, then subsequent displays of the
tooltip show the font as non-anti-aliased.

Has anyone else seen this issue and does anyone know of a work-around?


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