This is due to that the fadeOut function is asynchronous (and that's a
good thing, otherwise the entire browser would freeze while
animating). To solve your problem you could use a callback. That's a
second parameter to the fadeOut method as a anonymous function

$("#notice").fadeOut(800, function(){

The method will now remove the active-notice class afterwards.

/ Johan

On Jan 5, 11:25 pm, Kinsbane <kinsb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> er, jeez I'm sorry - i don't know how to format code on Google Groups :
> (
> On Jan 5, 2:21 pm, Kinsbane <kinsb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > So, there's a main column of content and to the left of the main
> > column is an A element that is absolutely positioned.
> > I have an announcement system that when there's an active
> > announcement, a box is rendered above the main column, pushing the
> > main column down. However, the A element that is absolutely positioned
> > stays where it is.
> > I added code to check for an active announcement and add a class to
> > the A element so it'll keep it positioned alongside the left-border of
> > the main column.
> > When a user closes the announcement box, it fades out, and the main
> > column moves back up to fill the space - but the positioned A element
> > does not follow. I then added code to the function I had to fade out
> > the box and save a cookie to show the user had closed the active
> > announcement box which removed the active-announcement class I had PHP
> > add to the A element.
> > The problem is, even though the removeClass() function is last in the
> > series of functions, it fires first - the positioned A element moves
> > up to where it should be BEFORE the active announcement box fades out.
> > How can I change this so that the positioned A element has its class
> > removed after the other two things have taken place?
> > Here's the jQuery code I have:
> > [code]
> > $("#close-notice").click(function(){
> >                                         $("#notice").fadeOut(800);
> >                                         createCookie('t3d_notice', 
> > 't3dnotice_<?= $announcement['id']; ?
> > >', 365);
> >                                         
> > $("#notice-tab").removeClass('active-notice');
> >                                 }
> >                                 );
> > [/code]

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