Hello, I wanted to have an animated slide down upon mouse hover and
slide back up upon mouse off.

This is for an accordianish menu with the sub ul hidden in the css
stylesheet. Shown further below is my concept. Although not working.

Note: Something looks unnatural about (.mouseout) betwwen brackets
like that, there may be other problems in the script. As mentioned
this is a concept with bugs. Someone who knows jquery well would know
what to do


$('#subul a').mouseover(function()

{ $(this).stop() if (('#subul') .is (':hidden'))

{ ('#subul').slideDown(800) } else if (.mouseout)



<li><a href="something">Once again</a></li>
<li><a href="something">Sub Menued</a>
<ul id="subul">
<li><a href="one">Once again to see it again</a></li>
<li><a href="two">Once again to see</a></li>
<li><a href="three">Once again to see</a>
<li><a href="something">Getting this way</a></li>

Thanks from Josh

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