> I want all my ajax calls to run through the same ajax function

What "same" ajax function?

On Jan 6, 10:29 am, Mean Mike <mcgra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ok so I figured out that you can put in image in your page using .load
> (imageloader.php) but is there a way to load an image using regular
> ajax call .
> alittle more explanation of what I'm trying to do
> in my php I use imagejpeg function  which outputs the image using gd
> great!
> and in my html i use to just go <img src="imageloader.php?
> dir=directory&name=filename" /> and that worked except now I don't
> want to pass that info in the query string I want to post the info AND
> I want all my ajax calls to run through the same ajax function which
> is why I don't want to use .load
> any thoughts or suggestions
> mean mike

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