In the async extension the the jquery treeview plugin, I would like to
request that an event trigger be sent each time a new branch of the
tree is loaded. It could be as simple as adding "$(container).trigger
('treeviewLoaded');" to the async extension.

Additionally, I would like to request that HTML may be async'ly added
to the tree instead of just simple text strings. The JSON response for
async'ly updating the tree currently has a "text: '<text>'" tag that
sets the tree text inside of a <span> tag. I would like to also see a
"html: <tags>" type JSON tag that could be used alternatively, where
<tags> are not placed inside of a <span>.

The reason for doing these two enhancements is that I would like to
add checkboxes to certain elements of my tree. Then when the tree
loads, an external event handler would be added to the checkboxes
after each new "treeviewLoaded" trigger is externally received.

I would be willing to help develop the code, or gladly use anything
that is developed.

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