If you're concerned about it validating, use a conditional comment to include an IE-only stylesheet with the filter in it. At least your non- IE stylesheets will validate.

Also, note that for IE8, you'll need to use -ms-filter. So, in your IE stylesheet, you'll have this:

#thumbs li.selected {

They have to be in that order, too, apparently. for more information, see:


Karl Swedberg

On Jan 6, 2010, at 7:17 AM, Paul Collins wrote:

That works Johan, thanks very much.

Doesn't validate, but I guess that's not the end of the world...

Thanks again.

2010/1/6 Johan Borestad <johan.bores...@gmail.com>
Hi Paul!
This is a case where you really don't even should use Javascript,
unless you're trying to do some fancy animations. Rely entirely on CSS
with a simple css-rule

#thumbs li.selected {

This will also be much much faster than any other solutions.
/ Johan

On Jan 5, 7:50 pm, Paul Collins <pauldcoll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, the test page:http://paulcollinslondon.com/test/test.html
> 2010/1/5 Paul Collins <pauldcoll...@gmail.com>
> > Thanks very much for your help Brian. That works, but I think the problem
> > may go deeper than I thought! I've put up a test page.
> > I'm using the "JQuery Opacity Rollover" Script as a part of the Gallerific
> > plugin  http://www.twospy.com/galleriffic/#1
> > To try and keep this simple, when you hover over a thumbnail, it originally
> > went from dark to light. I've reversed the order of this in
> > "mouseOutOpacity" & "mouseOverOpacity" on the scripts.js &
> > jquery.opacityrollover.js, so now they are full opacity by default and half > > when you hover over. There is a selected class applied when you click on a > > thumbnail and I want to make the opacity stay at half when you click on it.
> > There seems to be a default on all list items of the thumbs <ul> of > > opacity: 1; I want to change it to 0.5 when an item has a class of selected,
> > but can't get it to work.
> > I've tried removing the inline style first using
> > $("#portfolio #thumbs li.selected").removeAttr("style");
> > But this doesn't work.
> > Sorry for the long windedness of this post, but if anyone could even give
> > me a hint of where to start looking, I would be really grateful.
> > Thanks
> > 2010/1/5 brian <zijn.digi...@gmail.com>
> > Just put the class in the selector instead of testing for it first:
> >> $("#portfolio #thumbs li.selected").css('opacity','0.5');
> >> If the class doesn't exist, jQuery will do nothing (instead of
> >> throwing an "undefined" error or similar).
> >> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:45 PM, Paul Collins <pauldcoll...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >> > Hi all
> >> > I've been stuck on this for four hours, and I still can't solve it!
> >> > I am trying to check if a list item has a class of selected, then is so
> >> > change the opacity to 0.5. Here is my code:
> >> >     if ($("#portfolio #thumbs ul li").hasClass(".selected")) {
> >> >         $(this).css('opacity','0.5');
> >> >     }
> >> > It seems that the "this" part isn't working, is it to do with putting it
> >> in
> >> > an event?
> >> > Would appreciate any help

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