Hi there,

I've put up a basic example of how you would do this at:

(to edit the code, go to http://jsbin.com/ahevu/edit)

I've used mouseenter to demonstrate - if you need a hover effect, then you will need to save the original dimensions/position of the div you are animating so it can revert to them when the mouseleave event fires.

on 09/01/2010 19:22 Wroathe said::
Hi there! I was curious if there is a way to set up custom animations
so that a div will expand from a specified corner to another specified

(Ex. If I have a div with a background color of #000 that is 200px by
200px and when I hover over it it expands to 500px by 500px from top
left to bottom right, by default. I want it to expand from top right
to bottom left or bottom right to top left, etc.)

This is how I have it set up (but it only goes from top left to bottom

$('div.item').hover(function() {
        height: 500px,
        width: 500px

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