"...how do you trigger your click function to work? or can the anchor tag be used ?"

question isn't very clear about what you are trying to do. You can over ride the href with a click function by using    "  return false; " which over rides browser default action of opening the link, or you can work with the href property to reconstruct it if the hash fragment  "#top" isn't there.

be easier to help with better defintiion of objective

Oliur wrote:
What I mean is, in normal HTML if you have a link to go to the top of
the page you write

<a name="top" id="top"></a>

<a href="">go top</a>

When you type in your browser


it takes you to the top of the page. This way you can also go to the
specific area in other pages too.

In jquery if you have such areas that are in a different page, how do
you trigger your click function to work? or can the anchor tag be
used ?



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