Hello, at first I can say that Treeview is a great jQuery plugin! I use the plugin a lot and have some questions now.
I found a newer Version "pre-1.4.1" here: http://view.jquery.com/trunk/plugins/treeview/jquery.treeview.js Demo: http://view.jquery.com/trunk/plugins/treeview/demo/ Is this version still in development? Very interesting in this version is the possibility to add and remove a node. These features was added in the file jquery.treeview.edit.js: http://view.jquery.com/trunk/plugins/treeview/jquery.treeview.edit.js There are still some bugs here, e.g.: - go to the test-page: http://view.jquery.com/trunk/plugins/treeview/demo/edit.html - first, delete "File 4" - then, delete "File 3.1" - now, the icon in front of "Folder 3 (closed at start)" is not correct The good news: I found the bug, here is the new working code for "jquery.treeview.edit.js", please replace the old code: if (parent.is(":not(:has(>))") && parent[0] != this) { parent.parent() .removeClass(CLASSES.collapsable) .removeClass(CLASSES.expandable) .removeClass(CLASSES.lastCollapsable) .removeClass(CLASSES.lastExpandable); parent.parent(":last-child").addClass(CLASSES.last); parent.siblings(".hitarea").andSelf().remove(); } But there are still problems with the add-function in this file: At the moment I can only add new nodes directly in a "ul"-tag, that means, that the parent node has already childs. But if I want to add a new node on a node that hasn't already children, the current code doesn't generate new necessary "ul"-tags first. Can anybody help me with the correction of the add-function? Another problem: In the new http://view.jquery.com/trunk/plugins/treeview/jquery.treeview.js you can find 'this.data("toggler", toggler);' in line 164. This works only with jQuery 1.2.6 but with 1.3.2 I got this error message: "this.data is not a function" How can I make the version pre-1.4.1 compatible with jQuery 1.3.2? Thank you very much for your help! Greetings Manfred