Hello all,

I have this <form> and a submit button.

I then try the following inside my document ready:

$("#btnSubmit").click(function() {

                theme: true,
                title: 'My title',
                message: '<p>My message...</p>',
                timeout: 8000

            return true;

Unfortunately the form is being submitted and completely disregards
the timout attribut I've set.
So I'm assuming there isn't a way to make blockUI synchronous and
really wait the timeout time and then, submit the form.

The reason I'm asking is because I'm having the exact same scenario as
this post:

I'm using both IE and FF

In a nutshell, between the blockUI and the return true I make an ajax
call. The time it takes varies a lot...it can be really quick like it
can take 15 seconds...

When the call is quick, the users barely has the time to view the
blockUI and read what's inside...the form gets submitted but they are
like..."What happened? What was written there? I didn't have enough
time to read"...

So to avoid, this, I always want a minimum of time for the blockUI to
appear even if the ajax call is quick.

As for what happens if the ajax call is lets say...15 seconds...well
that's another story!
I'd first like to know if this is even possible...to NOT make my form
submit until it has reached the timeout attribute I've set inside the
blockUI parameters.

Thanks in advance


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