Hello all,

I wonder if anyone can shed some light on my problem.

I am updating a site that uses the simplemodal plug in (http://
www.ericmmartin.com/projects/simplemodal/) to create a lightbox-esque
effect when opening included php files.

Now then, the plug-in uses a function that is called when the item in
the DOM is clicked:

$('#__SELECTED_ELEMENT__:eq(0)').click(function (e) {
                        $.get("__FILE.PHP__", function(data){
                                        close: false,
                                        overlayId: 'modalOverlay',
                                        containerId: 'miniProteanContainer',
                                        onOpen: site_terms.open,
                                        onClose: site_terms.close

Essentially, I want this function to run as soon at the document is

I have tried:
1. Seeing if I could change the event type to LOAD (thinking I would
be tricky and bypass the whole click) and I can only change the event
type to hover.

2. Setting this function in the $(document).ready(function(){} at the
root, assuming the function would run after the document was loaded.
(see the following example)

                        $.get("__FILE.PHP__", function(data){
                                        close: false,
                                        overlayId: 'modalOverlay',
                                        containerId: 'miniProteanContainer',
                                        onOpen: site_terms.open,
                                        onClose: site_terms.close

Has anyone else encountered this? Any recommendations on how I should
attack the problem?


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