Just wanted to ask again if anyone has ever set up their php file
called by the validator's remote method to return different error
messages via JSON? I was hoping to see an example of how I might do
this? Thanks so much.


On Jan 7, 2:59 pm, Kim <mom2ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am fairly new to jquery,  jqueryvalidationand competely new toJSON. I was 
> wondering if anyone could provide or point me to an
> example of a use of the remote method of thevalidationplugin that
> can display theerrormessagereturned by the remotely called php
> file.
> I have an input field wherein someone enters an id to a database
> table, specifically an id called media_id. I have the remote method
> set up to call a php script (check_database.php)  that looks for that
> media_id in my database. There are a number of reasons that search
> might fail: the id might not exist, or it might exist but have a
> certain invalid status, etc. I would like to be able to display 
> amessagespecific to the problem rather than one generic "That id is
> invalid"message. I read that my php script could return ajson
> formattedmessage, but I am not sure how to do that, or how to modify
> the javascript to handle what it gets back. I would appreciate any
> help!
> my starting point in my javascript file:
>  rules: {
>             media_id: {
>                required: true,
>                remote: 'check_database.php'
>             }
>          },
> summary of what I am trying to do in check_database.php:
> database query with media_id
> if no errors
>    return "true"
> else if  error1
>   return ???
> else iferror2
>   return  ???
> etc.

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