Thanks guys!! Got it working..

On Jan 13, 7:00 pm, Matt Maxwell <> wrote:
> This is correct.
> I actually wrote a few jQuery extensions that handle this.
> The code is:
> $.fn.extend({
> // checks to see if an element exists
> // if no callback is supplied, returns
> // a boolean value stating if the element
> // exists, otherwise executes the callback
> exists: function (callback) {
> if (typeof( callback ) === "function") {
> if (this.length > 0) { this ); }
> return this;}
> else { return this.length > 0; }},
>  // checks to see if an element does not
> // exist.  if no callback is supplied, returns
> // a boolean value stating if the element does
> // not exists, otherwise, executes the callback
> absent: function (callback) {
> if (typeof( callback ) === "function") {
> if (this.length === 0) { callback(); }
> return this;}
> else { return this.length === 0; }
> }
> });
> Syntax would be
> var that = this; // scope
> $(this).parents("ul").absent(
> function () {
> $(that).addClass("active");}
> );
> or if you needed to do an if/else type scenario:
> var that = this;
> $(this).parents("ul").exists(
> function () {
> // this === $(this)
> this.removeClass("active");}
> ).absent(
> function () {
> $(that).addClass("active");}
> );
> Or you could also use the function to return a boolean value:
> $(this).parent("ul").exists(); // true if ul is present
> $(this).parent("ul").absent(); // true if no ul is present
> Thanks,
> Matt
> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 6:52 PM, pedalpete <> wrote:
> > Everything that I've seen says you have to check the length of the
> > element you are looking for.
> > So I think you want
> > <pre>
> > if($(this).parents('ul').length==0){
> >   $(this).addClass("active");
> > }
> > </pre>
> > If a parent UL was found, the length would be > 0

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