
I'm still new to jQuery, but I have been playing with SlickGrid and
trying to integrate both it and jQuery with some JavaScript library
code that I had already developed.  When I tried to integrate my code
with jQuery, I spent 2 frustrating hours trying to figure out what was
going on thanks to Firefox's descriptive (and apparently equivalent to
the famous BASIC 'syntax error') error message:

uncaught exception: [Exception... "String contains an invalid
character" code: "5" nsresult: "0x80530005
(NS_ERROR_DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR") location: ".../jquery-1.3.2.js
Line: 1026"]

After much wrangling, commenting, uncommenting, debugging, etc., I
discovered that the cause is an assumption in jQuery that Object
doesn't have any non-literal property values.  For good or bad
JavaScript style, my library defines a couple of utility functions on
Object.prototype to assist in both debugging as well as prototypical

When jQuery does this:

 181         // Check to see if we're setting style values
 182         return this.each(function(i){
 183             // Set all the styles
 184             for ( name in options ) {
 185                     jQuery.attr(
 186                         type ?
 187                             this.style :
 188                             this,
 189                         name, jQuery.prop( this, options[ name ],
type, i,      name )
 190                     );
 191             }
 192         });

What happens is that it attempts to set an attribute value name equal
to the definition of a function.  Of course, there's all kinds of
invalid characters in there, so Firefox pukes the above error message.

Adding the following check prevents the error and allows adding
methods to Object instances.

 181         // Check to see if we're setting style values
 182         return this.each(function(i){
 183             // Set all the styles
 184             for ( name in options ) {
 185                 if ( typeof this[ name ] !== 'function' ) {
 186                     jQuery.attr(
 187                         type ?
 188                             this.style :
 189                             this,
 190                         name, jQuery.prop( this, options[ name ],
type, i,      name )
 191                     );
 192                 }
 193             }
 194         });

I'm not sure what you think about the above, but it would be really
handy if this was fixed in the upstream jQuery codebase.  I don't know
if anyone else has hit this problem or not, but it at least bears
recording for posterity in any case. :)



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