You can trigger a custom event on any object with trigger(). On the
global document object, for example:


and listen to it like so:

$(document).bind("myUpdateEvent", someFunction);

Fiddling around with the global document object is a bit icky, though.
Better to use a dedicated object that holds your custom events. To let
elements listen to events, you could create a small plugin that takes
a function to execute when the event triggers. Something like:

var eventHolder = {};

$.fn.bindToUpdate = function(f) {
        $(eventHolder).bind("updateEvent", this, function(e) {
(; });

$(function() {
        $("#someDiv").bindToUpdate(function() {
                $(this).html("I was updated!");


Is that what you wanted to do?

On Jan 14, 8:40 am, Tina S <> wrote:
> would it be possible to setup a global event and connect objects to
> this event?
> for example, i have a global "update" event. it gets asynchronously
> triggered.
> i would like various elements to be able to listen for this one update
> event; this may be a particular div that wants to update itself based
> on this event, etc.
> is this possible?

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