
I've got my table set up. The rows all work backwards and forwards,
and I've got the columns disabled that I want disabled. But I have
searched and tested and I can't find any method of mouseover
highlighting that works. For some reason, addClass and removeClass
don't seem to work. I know just enough to know that I've exhausted my
meager knowledge.

(p.s. is it possible to add a column that is exempt from sorting?
something like the number column to the far left in an excel

This is the code I'm working with:

                $(document).ready(function() {
                                $.tablesorter.defaults.widgets = ['zebra'];
                                $("#myTable").tablesorter({headers: {5: 
{sorter: false},
6: {sorter: false},
7: {sorter: false},
8: {sorter: false},
9: {sorter: false},
10: {sorter: false},
11: {sorter: false}
                                 $(".tablesorter tr").mouseover(function(){
                                 $(".tablesorter tr").mouseout(function(){

                background-color: #fff880;
        table#myTable tbody tr.odd
                background-color: #edf3ff;
        table#myTable tbody tr.even
                background-color: #ffffff;

<table id="header">
                <td>~ 2010 VBS Review ~</td>
<table id="myTable" class="tablesorter">
                <tr style="cursor:default">
                        <th>Major Theme</th>
                        <th>Minor Theme</th>
                        <th>Daily Points</th>
                        <th>Daily Verses</th>
                        <th>Daily Stories</th>
                        <td>major theme</td>
                        <td>minor theme</td>
                        <td>daily points</td>
                        <td>daily verses</td>

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