Hello zendog74,
In your script above you have "script.onload = loadPlugins();", the
onload event is only usable in the body tag or the frameset tag.

Other than that I think your script is ok.

On Jan 15, 4:44 pm, zendog74 <n8cs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> These just give me undefined errors, as jQuery is not defined if it is
> not loaded.
> Again, what I need to do is load jQuery if it is not already loaded
> and then load all of the required plug-ins once it is loaded.
> On Jan 14, 4:39 pm, waseem sabjee <waseemsab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > if(jQuery) {
> >  // jquery is loaded}
> > if($) {
> >  // jquery is loaded
> > }
> > or
> > if (jQuery != null) {
> >  // jquery is loaded}
> > if ($ != null) {
> >  // jquery is loaded
> > }
> > On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 11:30 PM, zendog74 <n8cs...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > I am trying to only load jquery and jqueryui if they do not already
> > > exist. If they do exist, then I load a bunch of plug-ins used by the
> > > app. However, the below is not working and I have no idea why. Can
> > > anyone provide some insight?
> > > if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined') {
> > >        console.log("loading local jquery files");
> > >        var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
> > >        var script = document.createElement("script");
> > >        script.type = "text/javascript";
> > >        script.src = "/cml/js/jquery.min.js";
> > >        script.onload = loadPlugins();
> > >        head.appendChild(script);
> > >        var script2 = document.createElement("script");
> > >        script2.type = "text/javascript";
> > >        script2.src = "/cml/js/jquery-ui.min.js";
> > >        head.appendChild(script2);
> > >    }
> > >        function loadPlugins(){
> > >                if(typeof jQuery != 'undefined'){
> > >                        console.log("jquery is defined");
> > >                        jQuery.noConflict();
> > >                        //load the plugins
> > >                        if(!jQuery().maxlength){
> > >                                jQuery("head").append('<scr' + 'ipt
> > > type="text/javascript" src="<
> > > %=response.encodeURL(cntxPath + "/js/jquery.maxlength-min.js")%>"></
> > > scr' + 'ipt>');
> > >                                console.log("loaded maxlength plugin");
> > >                        }
> > >                        if(!jQuery().address){
> > >                                jQuery("head").append('<scr' + 'ipt
> > > type="text/javascript" src="<
> > > %=response.encodeURL(cntxPath + "/js/jquery.address-1.1.min.js")%>"></
> > > scr' + 'ipt>');
> > >                                console.log("loaded address plugin");
> > >                        }
> > >                        if(!jQuery().delay){
> > >                                jQuery("head").append('<scr' + 'ipt
> > > type="text/javascript" src="<
> > > %=response.encodeURL(cntxPath + "/js/jquery.delay.js")%>"></scr' +
> > > 'ipt>');
> > >                                console.log("loaded delay plugin");
> > >                        }
> > >                        if(!jQuery().ajaxSubmit){
> > >                                jQuery("head").append('<scr' + 'ipt
> > > type="text/javascript" src="<
> > > %=response.encodeURL(cntxPath + "/js/jquery.form.js")%>"></scr' +
> > > 'ipt>');
> > >                                console.log("loaded form plugin");
> > >                        }
> > >        ....
> > > Thanks everyone.

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