If uRec is still like it was before:

function uRec(selector){
   var $form = $(selector);

in the example below you're passing it an id, so try:

   var $form = $('#' + selector);

I was suggesting changing the button type from submit to button, yes. It's no big deal, but at least it will prevent inadvertent submits while you're working things out.

- Jack

Dave Maharaj :: WidePixels.com wrote:
I have changed my page js to:

<script type="text/javascript">

$("form").bind("submit", function() {
        var form_id = $(this).attr('id');
return false; })


The alert shows the form id for the form i am attempting to submit and it
changes each time I click sumbit for each form so that's a step closer. But
its no longer doing anything with the uRec function.

I deleted everything in my uRec function to just alert(form_id); so I should
get 2 alerts, one for the click submit and one for it actually hittingthe
external js but it never gets there. If I remove the return false; it
submits http which is not what I want.

Any ideas why the uRec does nothing now?

My form submit is a button type = submit. Is that what you were saying to



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